Tuesday, February 9, 2016


If you take a look at my posting pattern, I start some time around the January/February transition with some new diet plan, because I feel fat as fuck after the Holidays. I stick with it for a little while, then I give up, and I even quit posting here.

Here's what happened with my try at going LCHF. It was working. Then I got violently ill. I was sick as a dog for a week, with everything coming out of both ends for a couple of days. All I could keep down was real (full sugar) Gatorade. Once I started to feel a little better, I went on the BRAT (Bananas, Rice Applesauce, Toast (dry, of course)) diet to get my digestive system primed back up. I then started eating "regular food", meaning the "Standard American Diet".

Needless to say, I gained back every pound that I lost, and then some since my last post.

I've got a FitBit. It lets me know how lazy I am. I'm supposed to get 10k steps in every day, but I've never hit that in the 4 months that I've had it. If I'm supremely lazy, and just sit around the house, only going between my computer, the bathroom, the kitchen and bed, I barely get 2000 steps, which I get just going between my office and my parking space every work day.

I keep talking to the wifey, saying that we should go for a walk once she gets home. She's usually too tired, and whines about it; so I'm going to strap on the walking shoes and go myself. We'll see how that works.