Saturday, January 25, 2014

Noob mistakes and a eureka moment

It's more important now that I track my food. I can't just "wing it" or "guesstimate" point values and nutritional information like I used to do. In Day 2, I'm short on protein and calories, and on target for fat and carbs. Between MFP and the Calculator, I know what I need to be hitting every day to kick my body into ketosis.

The good thing is that I'm not hungry through the day, which was a problem with my last few diets, including WW. I've been reading books and looking at websites, and I've come down to a couple of simple conclusions:

  1. The whole "Breakfast like a king" mantra makes sense. A big protein and fat laden meal to start the day will carry me through well past noon. I've noticed this during my Sunday breakfasts, and other times when I've had a "hearty breakfast" that I'm going 6-8 hours without even thinking about food. 
  2. Sometimes, traditional wisdom is bad, such as the need to eat a whole crapload of grains and fruits. "Going Paleo" or going back to a diet that is short on anything processed and long on raw, fresh, natural, and protein- and fat-rich seems the way to go. 
I'm going to start going back to the gym once I see my body kick into a fat-burning mode, and hopefully that will accelerate things. Maybe I can take 15 minutes twice a day and walk around the block to get a little bit more movement, and to get my ass out of the office. 

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