Thursday, September 10, 2009

The first days are the hardest

Went to my first WW meeting back on Sunday. I don't know if it was their scale, or what I was wearing at the Doctor's office, but my weight was 7 pounds lower at WW.

There's nothing wrong with a salad, as long as you add a little protein. Bacon and chicken are good. Make it a full Chef's Salad, and you're golden.

OMG! Phentermine is good. I was using Pseudoephedrine or ephedra-containing supplements as an appetite suppressant, which worked, but I got severe dry mouth, and the jitters. I don't get the jitters, and the dry mouth is minimal.

I'm looking for as many low or no points snacks as possible that have flavor. I can only eat so many veggies and bland crap.

Friday, September 4, 2009

And so it begins...

I'm a fat bastard. There's no mincing words on this. I'm a couple of biscuits over 3 bills, and I'm not all that jolly. I used to be healthy, but eating too much good food and procrastinating on getting exercise has lead me to where I am today.

My girlfriend had been bugging me for months to go to the doctor for a check-up and physical. She said, "As long as you have insurance, you might as well do it." So I did, 3 weeks ago. Since I hadn't been in years (except when I was sick) the doctor ordered up a battery of tests. Not only did the vampires get me (blood draws) but he ordered up a babycam (ultrasound) view of everything going on in my midsection. He also scheduled me for a treadmill test.

I got a call from the Dr's office to come in to review my test results, which I thought we'd go over when I had my treadmill test. Everything was fine except for my cholesterol levels. Those were all on the outside of where they should have been. We discussed what to do, and one of the things that I've decided is that I need to get serious about my weight.

I'm going to get back on Weight Watchers, and get serious about getting more exercise. I'm going to chronicle everything right here, so everyone can keep track of my successes and failures, and I can look back on what's worked and what hasn't.

I got a prescription for Phentermine, which I hope will get me jump-started on my way. Sunday is my first WW meeting back, and I'm ready to get serious about this whole thing. The Doctor said that I should start a journal, and considering that I'm a computer geek, I might as well have a blog for everyone to see.